Eight House Tui

My preferred house is a TUI but I live in a KEN house. Which layout should I use to enhance my Chi. Also in our KEN house, my youngest daughter is in my obstacle location and there is no way to change that at this time. Can I use anything to counteract this? Great site, by the way.

You can get a Free and easy to understand report of your personal house direction (Eight House Theory) at Sign-Up for a free account and use the computerised module. You simply need to type in once your details e.g. date of birth and also for any of your family members,

Follow the instructions in the above website and you can get Free Eight House Theory + Eight Associations and view or print this report immediately at home.

In addition to the above module, there are many more Free reports in the above website.

Alternatively, if you want to use a html version of the Eight House Theory, then go to this link Survey your home

Hope the above helps.

Cecil Lee
Center for Feng Shui Research
March 1999



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